November 2, 2014

Lydia's Scientist for a Day

Lydia got to be "Scientist of the Day" in 
Mrs. VanHorn's 3rd grade class. She did 
Elephant Toothpaste and was super 
excited to show the class. 

Sierra's 4th Honor Bee

To earn each Honor Bee Sierra had to
 complete 40 hours of service and read the 
Book of Mormon. Way to Go!!! 

Halloween 2013

This train conductor needed a snack from the 
vending machine during her break. 

Sierra's 18th and Cambree's 14th Birthday's

We celebrated at Barnes Park with dinner
 and then cake and ice cream. 

Playing in the Rain

It was a super warm rain and the kids had a ball.
 They especially loved it when Brother Salmon 
drove by and sprayed them over and over again.